Khamis, 1 September 2011

Koleksi Gambar Lama


Here's some photo's of the recent descovered wall of the Portuguese-Dutch Fort in Malacca.
The photos were taken about a month after initial discovery. It is located next to the former Kancil Restuarant that still houses part of the Tourist Information office. Excavations managed to reveal part of Portuguese Fort built between 1512 to 1550s. The Dutch later added a square rectangle added on to the Portuguese structure which they named "Middleburg" circa late 1650s to 1670s. This can be seen from top view photo with the other ones. You can also note circular concrete beams portruding at the site. They are the remnants of a Shell petrol depot built by the British in 1905. Also discovered was a huge sewage or water pipe dated circa 1895.
According with the last news about 350m of the buried walls of the fortress will be reconstructed stone by stone to its original dimensions of 8m by 5m, the completed structure would encompass the city’s 11.3 ha heritage site in Bandar Hilir. The Heritage Department, under the Culture, Arts and Heritage Ministry, would implement the project in stages, beginning from the ancient wall site in Bandar Hilir, which has been confirmed as the Middelburg Bastion. With the project existing buildings and other structures will not be touched. The Heritage Department will excavate and expose the southern side of the foundation of the fort’s walls and its six bastions before using laterite stones from Malacca’s Pulau Upeh to reconstruct the fort. The department will also conserve and restore the 23 historical structures within the fort’s confines. 

Malacca fort wall excavation
Malacca fort wall excavation    

The complete excavation of the Middelburg Bastion

Map of Malacca Fort showing the location of Middelburg bastion    

Information and photos by Martin Carvalho and Damian Gerard Sta. Maria from Malacca


At the time of the Portuguese arrival in the Asian seas, Malacca, thanks to its strategic position on the strait bearing the same name, was a remarkable trading center for the trade and shunting of spices. At that time, Malacca was ruled by a Muslim Sultanate. The town extended its influence over a vast territory, which included the whole Malaya Peninsula. Its port was frequented by a multitude of ships and merchants from all the Asian nations of the time: Arabia, Persia, China, India, Japan, Indonesia, Ceylon, and Bengal. In it were gathered and sold all the Asian spices: pepper, cloves, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, etc.
After their arrival in India, the Portuguese soon became aware of the importance of the city. An expedition sailed to Malacca in 1509 but failed, and many of the Portuguese were captured and imprisoned by the Sultan. In 1511, the ViceRoy of India, Afonso de Albuquerque, decided to organize an expedition destined to conquer Malacca. At the head of 1.100 - 1.200 men and 14 ships, Afonso de Albuquerque arrived in view of Malacca in June of 1511 and immediately demanded the rescue of the Portuguese that were taken prisoners in the 1509 expedition. The Sultan tried to gain time to strengthen the town defenses. He was well aware of the small number of Portuguese troops and was confident on his powerful army of 20.000 men and 2.000 guns.
Albuquerque wasted no time. At down of 25 July 1511 the Portuguese attacked the town concentrating the assault on the bridge on the river dividing the town. After a fierce battle the bridge was conquered by the Portuguese, but at nightfall they were forced to retreat. After some days of preparations, on 10 August 1511, the Portuguese renewed the attack. Albuquerque had the assistance of some Chinese junks that were anchored in the port. 

The use of a junk offered by the Chinese merchants was decisive, as this junk was used as a bridgehead. This time the attack was successful and the Portuguese finally succeeded in establishing a bridgehead in the town. There were then several days of siege in which the Portuguese bombarded the city. On 24 August 1511 the Portuguese again attacked only to discover that the Sultan had escaped. With Malacca was now in Portuguese hands, they sacked the town, but following Albuquerque’s orders, they respected the property of those who sided with them.
B. W. Diffie and G. D. Winius in the book "Foundations of the Portuguese Empire 1415-1580" write: "the capture of Asia's greatest trading city by a mere 900 Portuguese and 200 Indians must rank as an event in the history of European expansion no less stunning than the better known conquest of Tenochtitlan by Hernando Cortés".

Malacca was one of the three key-points, with Goa and Hormuz, which gave Portugal the control over the main Asiatic trade routes. After the conquest, Albuquerque immediately ordered the building of a fortress on the south side of the river. This fortress was called "A Famosa" and it was finished in November 1511. Ruy de Brito Patalim was appointed Captain of the "Fortaleza de Malacca" and about 500 Portuguese soldiers were left as garrison. Shortly thereafter, Albuquerque prepared the ships for the return with the Malacca’s booty. However, during the return voyage to Goa his ship "Flor do Mar" sank during a storm and all the treasures fetched in Malacca’s were lost. Several Florentine merchants took part in the Portuguese enterprises in Asia. Amongst them, Giovanni da Empoli, was present in Malacca during the siege and the conquest. He described his experiences in an interesting letter to his father.
After the conquest of Malacca, Portugal’s policy in the Malaya Peninsula was either to establish alliances with local rulers or to convince the adjoining Kingdoms to accept Portuguese suzerainty. From his base at Johore, the old Sultan of Malacca repeatedly attacked Malacca in 1517, 1520, 1521 and in 1525. At last, in 1583, a peace treaty was signed. Malacca was repeatedly under siege in 1550, 1567, 1571 and the main enemies were Johore and Atjeh (in Sumatra). In Malacca, Albuquerque established a new administration, minted a new currency and built a wooden chapel close to the fortress. Adjoining the fortress, a stone church dedicated to "Nossa Senhora da Anunciada" was erected in 1521, and later to "Nossa Senhora da Assumpção". On 4 February 1558 this church was consecrated as a Cathedral. Many Portuguese "Casados", mostly artisans, merchants or farmers, settled in Malacca. In 1532, the Confraria da Misericórdia was founded and a beautiful wooden hospital for the poor was also built. The church also started a school. Active missionary work began in 1545 with the arrival of St. Francisco Xavier. In 1552 was set up the "Camara" (Municipal Council) of Malacca.
In 1602-1603 the Dutch blockaded Malacca by sea, but this was only a first timid attempt. In 1606 Johore and the Dutch concluded an alliance against the Portuguese and in 1607 they set again the town under siege. Reinforcements from Goa aborted the attempt. Eredia estimated that the Christian population in Malacca in 1613 was around 7.400. There were eight parishes in the town. In 1629 Atjeh made a new great effort, but this time again the Portuguese were victorious. The Dutch made several fruitless attempts between 1623 and 1627, and in 1633 a blockade was set up.
The last siege of Portuguese Malacca begun in June 1640 when a combined Dutch-Johore fleet of 1.500 Dutchmen, 1.500 Malays, 12 Dutch ships, 6 sloops and 40 Johore vessels was sight off the Malacca port. The siege was extremely hard and nearly 1.500 Dutchmen lost theirs lives. After five months of siege, the Portuguese defenders were without gunpowder and with a severe scarcity of food. Despite the difficulties, under the command of Dom Manuel de Sousa Coutinho, which was sick, they were able to hold out the siege. At the time of the Dutch attack in June 1640, there was, in Malacca, a garrison of about 50 Portuguese soldiers, more than 300 Portuguese "Casados" with their families and 2.000 or 3.000 Mestiços and Native inhabitants. On 14 January 1641, Dutch commander Willmsoon Kartekoe ordered the last desperate assault. The Portuguese defenders made a fierce final resistance in the Fortaleza Velha and the Dutch were finally driven back.
In desperation, the Dutch commander offered to the Portuguese honourable terms of surrender. The brave (and dying) Portuguese commander accepted the generous terms. Dying two days later, he was buried by the Dutch with military honours in the church of São Domingo. The city of Malacca was thus in Portuguese hands from 24 August 1511 till 14 January 1641.
The descendants of the Portuguese of Malacca still today speak Creole Portuguese (Papia Kristang), they are Christians and have Portuguese surnames. The Eurasian community has 12.000 members in the Malaya Peninsula. 

ILHA DAS NAUS: the first line of defence at sea of the fort of Malacca 
The Portuguese called Ilha das Naus (Pulau Java or Pulau Melaka) a small island outside the harbour of Malacca. In 1606/1615 the Portuguese stationed a battery on this island. On the Ilha das Naus the Portuguese planned a fort 60 feet square. As late as 1638, however, only the foundations of the Ilha das Naus fort had been laid, and its walls were still not finished when the Dutch invasion force sailed into Malacca Harbour two years later. For this reason, the Portuguese, in 1640, had to abandon their partly finished fort without a shot being fired. Shortly afterwards the conquest of Malacca, the Dutch, completed the Portuguese fort on the Ilha das Naus (called by them Red Island). 
MUAR: a Portuguese fort in Malay Peninsula 
The Portuguese had a second fort in Malay Peninsula, this fort was in Muar, and it now vanished. Was built by Eredia in 1604 at the mouth of the Muar river. The fort was triangular with round ramparts.  
PACEM-PASSUMAH: a Portuguese fort in Sumatra 
The actual name should be Pueek ( 05.09N -97.13E ). The fort was built in 1520/21, and its life was short, Gaspar Correia is positive (Lendas da India,Tomo II ,Parte II ,pp.795 : "...e puserão fogo á fortalesa,que tudo foy feito em cinza: o que foy em Maio de 1524." The fort , was square with a wooden "tranqueira" (palisade) and was built near the seashore. For information on Pacem my thanks to Nuno Rubim.

Written by Marco Ramerini

Rabu, 31 Ogos 2011

Golden Chersonese is the ancient name for the Malay Peninsula, as named by the Greek geographer and astronomer Ptolemy.

Flowing from north to south throughout the length of the Peninsula, Ptolemy depicted a large river, which in its lower reaches divided into three streams. Ptolemy conceive of the Malayan drainage system as consisting of a trunk stream flowing from north to south down the centre of the Peninsula, with lateral rivers branching off to the east and west coast somewhere to the south of the widest part.

Golden Chersonese bears a witness to the importance of Malay as a sources of gold for the ancient world.

It is believed that the mining of gold in Peninsula began two thousand years ago. In the first century Indian dispatched a number of expedition to seek this mythical land.

The Indians called the Malay Peninsula, ‘Suvarna Bumi’ or The Golden Land. They were already making regular visits to peninsula in search of the precious metal, tin and aromatic jungle woods.

In the first century onwards Indian Kingdoms has begun to be formed in the Golden Chersonese or Malay Peninsula.

Much more significant was the dominance of the mighty Srivijaya Empire, which held sway from the 7th to the 13th centuries.

Under the protection of the Srivijayans, a significant Malay trading state grew in the Bujang Valley of Kedah.

A pieces of gold and gold jewellery used in the Srivijaya empire between the seventh and thirteenth century have been found in the Bujang Valley.

By the sixteenth century, the legends of the Golden Chersonese, about the distant land having more gold and exotic treasures than people were established among the sea going nations of Europe.

The court of the Kingdom of Langkasuka, which was said to have sprung up on the Malay Peninsula during the 2nd century AD, was legendary for its ostentatious display of gold. The king was known to parade astride an elephant that was adorned from head to toe in gold.

In addition, Pahang gold seems to have been an important item of commerce from before the Christian era until 17th or 18th century AD.
Golden Chersonese

Isnin, 29 Ogos 2011

Mystery 'alien' block of ice found in Milovice forest, Czech Republic

The giant hailstone measures an impressive 2m in diameter, according to the Examiner, and a witness was able to take a video of the spectacle to pop up on YouTube.

This supposed 'alien' ice block was discovered in the Czech Republic (YouTube) This supposed 'alien' ice block was discovered in the Czech Republic (YouTube)

Judging by the shakiness of the film, the witness presumably believes it really could be some form of UFO, a view seemingly supported by the news provider, which received a tip-off about it from the UFO Global Reporting Center.

The as-yet-unidentified block of ice seems to be lying in the middle of a dirt track or pathway in the forest and it has horizontal and vertical lines scratched into it - making it resemble somewhat of an igloo.

Perhaps the biggest mystery, aside from where it hails from, is that there are no signs of ice or snow elsewhere in the forest, which some would probably say gives credence to the idea it really did come from outer space.

Just last month, a video posted on YouTube appeared to show an unidentified flying object high up in the sky above London.

A person near the BBC building in west London filmed the phenomenon and posted the video on YouTube, claiming it showed an alien mother ship and its fleet circling over the capital.

Sabtu, 7 Mei 2011


Tahukah anda bahawa Yahudi (Zionis) kini sedang giat mengkaji tentang satu bangsa yang hilang?. Mengikut daftar bangsa yang hilang di dalam Kitab Yahudi Kuno, terdapat 12 puak Yahudi di masa lalu :
  1. Reuben
  2. Simeon
  3. Levi
  4. Judah
  5. Issachar
  6. Zebulun
  7. Dan
  8. Naphtali
  9. Gad
  10. Asher
  11. Joseph
  12. Benjamin
Di dalam 12 puak yang hilang ini, hanya keturunan Nabi Yusuf a.s. sahaja yang hilang daripada rekod Yahudi. Keturunan Nabi Yusof a.s menurunkan dua puak yang lain iaitu Manasseh dan Ephraim. Mengikut satu kitab Yahudi, satu ‘lost tribe’ Bani Israel (yang mendapat petunjuk ILAHI, iaitu beragama Islam) akan membunuh Yahudi Zionis di Palestin. Di dalam kitab Yahudi kuno yang lain pula, ada mencatatkan golongan Manasseh (anak kepada Nabi Yusuf a.s.) bakal menyembelih Yahudi jahat (Zionis/Yahudi Kabbalah) di Palestin. Setelah Yahudi membuat pencarian, terdapat banyak puak golongan Manasseh di sebelah timur.
Percaya atau tidak, sememangnya bangsa Melayu termasuk diantara senarai bangsa yang hilang tersebut. Menurut suatu kajian, Melayu dipercayai berasal dari keturunan sebelah Nabi Yusuf as, yang telah menurunkan generasi Manasseh.

Kajian projek genome oleh Rabbai Jacobovici telah dilakukan untuk mengesahkan hipothesis Dr.Ralp Olsen berkenaan Israel DNA variant dalam Bangsa Mala (rujuk Projek genome itu dijangka lengkap dalam tempoh 5 hingga 10 tahun akan datang khusus untuk lost tribe disebelah South East Asia region.

PIRAMID MELAYU TERSEMBUNYI DI LAUTAN JEPUN - Based on Japan's Mysterious Pyramids (Yonaguni)-History Channel

Tidak lama dahulu, beberapa pengkaji telah menjumpai satu kaum yang tinggal di tepi sebuah tasik di pedalaman Jepun. Kaum ini begitu jauh dari pembangunan dan masih mengamalkan cara hidup tradisional. Bahasa kaum ini tidak mampu difahami oleh para pengkaji tersebut dan bahasa mereka tidak pula punya persamaan dengan bahasa Jepun mahupun bahasa-bahasa sekitar. Namun anehnya, para pengkaji tersebut mengesan tiga perkataan yang memungkinkan hubungan mereka dengan satu bangsa lain. Perkataan itu adalah : mata, batu dan air.

Di laut sekitar Okinawa, berdekatan Pulau Yonaguni, telah dijumpai sebuah struktur piramid menyerupai ziggurat di dasar laut! Piramid ini terletak kira-kira 100 kaki ke dalam laut dan mempunyai gerbang, tangga dan jalan berturap batu. Pakar mengatakan usia piramid ini berdasarkan ujian radiokarbon ialah kira-kira 8000 tahun Sebelum Masehi, dan peradaban Jepun ketika itu hanyalah berdasarkan cara hidup memburu binatang dan mengumpul makanan untuk sara diri. Peradaban piramid di Mesir bermula kira-kira 5000 tahun selepas itu. Siapakah yang membina piramid ini? Satu penemuan yang masih dirahsiakan oleh para pengkaji ialah : tulisan mirip tulisan Rencong telah ditemui di barat daya struktur itu terukir di 'hall chamber' di sebelah dalam piramid, yang merupakan 'access denied' atas sebab-sebab yang tidak munasabah oleh pihak-pihak tertentu.
Jim Mower, seorang ahli arkeologi di Universiti College London telah menimbulkan pandangan bahawa sekurang-kurangnya usia peradaban dasar laut Okinawa itu menjangkau 10,000 tahun dan peradaban ini kalau tidak melebihi sudah pasti setaraf dengan peradaban Mesopotamia dan Lembah Indus. Ahli arkeologi itu juga mengatakan bahawa "ini telah mengubah banyak pandangan tentang peradaban Asia Tenggara". Perhatikan, beliau tidak berkata tentang 'peradaban Asia Timur'.

Saya merasakan semua orang sudah tahu tentang satu keris purba yang ditemui di sebuah kuil purba di Okinawa. Ya...Okinawa lagi.

Sebab itulah, tidak berapa lama dahulu beberapa penyelidik di Mistis Organization telah berusaha menghubungi seorang gadis yang juga seorang prodigi senyap dalam bidang sejarah di Malaysia. Gadis ini memiliki ciri-ciri kehidupan seperti beberapa prodigi terkenal dari gen bangsa misteri ini ; Adiputra, Sufiah Yusuf (kedua-duanya prodigi matematik ketika kanak-kanak) atau Ainan Celeste Cawley (prodigi kimia) sekadar menamakan beberapa contoh popular. Di Singapura, telah acapkali lahir prodogi-prodigi Melayu seperti di Nanyang Technological University, dan kisah seorang pemuda Melayu yang mendapat cGPA 4.00 dalam Fizik di Eropah.

Mistis Organization telah memantau gadis ini sejak dia berusia 12 tahun dan mula membuat kajian bagaimana beratus-ratus prodigi Melayu yang menunjukkan pencapaian luar biasa ketika kecil, mula menyusut bakat luarbiasa mereka apabila dewasa. Ingatkah saudara saudari akan Mohd. Shukri Hadafi, ketika kecilnya pada usia tiga tahun sudah mampu membaca suratkhabar. Mohd. Shukri Hadafi pernah menjadi anak angkat Prof. Diraja Ungku Aziz dan muncul dalam filem Menanti Hari Esok arahan Jins Samsuddin pada tahun 1977. Namun kehidupannya selepas itu menempuh hari-hari gelap dan akhirnya menjadi seorang penagih dadah.

Perlukah selepas ini saya menceritakan kepada anda, tentang Sufiah Yusuf? Ada sekumpulan pemikir di sebelah Barat telah mengkaji kemungkinan kacukan gen Melayu dengan mana-mana bangsa akan memudahkan lahirnya prodigi-prodigi luarbiasa bertaraf dunia. Mereka telah mula menyedari bahawa kacukan gen Melayu dan gen bangsa lain adalah kunci kepada 'manusia-manusia mutan' masa hadapan. Mereka telah mula memilih beberapa anak-anak muda dan melatih mereka serta menghantar mereka untuk cuba memikat gadis-gadis Melayu. Mengapa gadis Melayu? Kerana percubaan sebelum ini menghantar gadis-gadis mereka untuk membuat hubungan dengan lelaki Melayu menemui kegagalan, ada diantara gadis-gadis mereka 'dipaksa' mempelajari agama Islam dan ini berakhir dengan kes perebutan anak atau penceraian. Anda tahu pada era mana terdapat kekerapan kes-kes lelaki Melayu menghadapi kes perebutan anak dengan wanita asing bukan? Ya, dan saya ingin tekankan tentang 'sebab-sebab wanita-wanita asing itu begitu degil untuk mengambil anaknya dari gen Melayu itu, lari ke negaranya'. Saya boleh terima alasan ini ; kasih sayang seorang ibu.

Gadis ini mampu membaca sejarah Sriwijaya 500 tahun sebelum Masehi dan menterjemah tulisan-tulisan Mesir Purba dan maksud-maksud di dalam The Egyptian Book of The Dead, The Black Book dan The Golden Book of Scarab Ankh. Untuk mengetahui sejarah Melayu lebih 1000 tahun sebelum Masehi, terpaksa mencarinya di dalam kitab-kitab paling misteri di dunia The Mummy dan piramid yang menakjubkan!

Jika orang Melayu yang dungu berusaha memadamkan sejarah bangsanya sendiri, saya nasihatkan anda akan menemui kegagalan paling pahit kerana orang Mesir Purba, Phoenicia, Assyria, Babilon dan sejauh Viking di utara Eropah...mereka ada menyimpan jejak sejarah Kemelayuan yang paling misteri. Jika anak-anak Melayu yang bingung dan orang lain yang cemburu cuba membakar 'Sejarah Melayu'...malangnya 'Sejarah Melayu' telah di'fotostat' banyak-banyak dan diberi kepada bangsa-bangsa lain. Sepertimana Maharaja Sriwijaya telah menghantar keturunannya untuk membina berpuluh-puluh negarakota untuk mengekalkan survival dan hegemoni, maka sejarah Kemelayuan telah disimpan kemas dalam lipatan sejarah bangsa-bangsa lain untuk tujuan yang sama.


Raja kepada segala Raja di Timur ialah empayar agung Melayu. Betapa hebatnya Raja bagi segala tamadun Timur ini apabila mereka terkenal dengan gelaran Raja Lautan dan Raja Daratan. Di mana-mana negeri-negeri yang berada dalam naungan mereka :-
  1. ada yang digelar tanah penghujung dunia,
  2. ada yang digelar Semenanjung Emas,
  3. ada yang digelar Survana Bumi,
  4. ada yang digelar Golden Chersonese,
Bayangkanlah, hinggakan hamba-hamba di istana mereka juga mampu dihiaskan dengan emas. Ini belum lagi dibincangkan tentang sistem matawang mereka, kerana bangsa Melayu sebenarnya gemar berniaga dengan menggunakan emas, tetapi ke mana perginya semua rekod-rekod agung ni? Kemana perginya senjata-senjata canggih Melayu? Di mana perginya armada-armada laut Melayu yang besar gedabak dengan nama jolokan “JONG". Adakah ianya jauh lebih lebar dari kapal Laksamana Cheng Ho? Rekod sejarah yang benar ini semuanya selamat disimpan dalam arkib-arkib museum terkenal di Eropah dalam genggaman ejen sulit yang bertopengkan sang penyelamat.

Mereka menubuhkan kerajaan BUNGA di tebing-tebing pergunungan. Kerana itu istilah Banjaran HiMalaya kekal hingga ke hari ini… Mengenangkan bangsa gunung yang hebat lagi kuat dengan rajanya.
Jika anda sedar, bangsa Melayu-lah bangsa yang paling gemar menanam bunga-bunga di halaman rumah. Bunga sebenarnya terlalu sinonim dengan bangsa ini.Berhentilah menjadi goyyim kerana anda bukanlah sebuah robot ciptaan ejen Yahudi yang bertopengkan sang penyelamat. Tetapi anda sebenarnya adalah seorang pejuang yang dilahirkan sebagai bangsa Melayu dibumi Mala ini.

Bangsa Melayu juga merupakan bangsa terawal membina tugu-tugu kota yang merentasi dari :
  • UTARA (kemboja, cempaka, melati, petani, langkasuka, cermin, segenting)
  • TENGAH (kelantan, pahang, johor, melaka, kedah tua, selangor)
  • TIMUR (funan, okinawa, sulu,)
  • SELATAN (sumatera, riau, jawa)
Begitu hebatnya tamadun agung Melayu itu yang hanya segelintir sahaja para pewaris diraja yang tahu. Rekod tamadun ini berjaya disembunyikan oleh golongan Iluminati sehinggakan hampir kesemua teknologi Melayu dahulu kala berjaya disimpan di arkib-arkib tersohor dunia di Eropah. Tidak cukup dengan itu, tinggalan sejarah yang agung ini turut dikaji di dalam makmal-makmal oleh pengkaji logam. Bolehkah anda bayangkan bagaimanakah laksamana-laksamana dan pendekar-pendekar Melayu boleh sampai ke Hawaii dari semenanjung kepulauan cebu tanpa sesat dengan hanya berpandukan sejenis alat apungan dari cerdik pandai anak Melayu.

Saya amat yakin kini bahawa golongan Illuminati sedang memerhatikan bangsa Melayu. Mereka pasti tidak akan sesekali lupa pada ramalan seorang tukang tilik dari kalangan bangsa mereka, Nostradamus, yang berbunyi :

"Dia muncul dari negeri yang terletak di pertemuan tiga buah laut. Negara Timur tempat perjuangan pemimpin tersebut terletak di pertemuan tiga buah laut."

Hutan purba ditemui di Kutub Utara di Kanada.

Researchers have found mummified leaves in the sediment at the Quttinirpaaq National Park mummified forest deposit.
The mummified trees have very narrow growth rings, indicating a very harsh environment during their lifetime.
Hutan purba, lengkap dengan kayu, dedaunan, dan biji-bijian, ditemukan di Kutub Utara di daerah Kanada.

Hutan yang diperkirakan berumur jutaan tahun itu dikelilingi gletser, tak ada pohon, kecuali beberapa pohon kerdil seukuran bonsai.

Tim peneliti menemukan hutan itu setelah memperoleh laporan dari jagawana dari Quittinirpaaq National Park di Ellesmere Island, salah satu daratan yang posisinya paling utara.

Polisi hutan itu menemukan serpihan kayu yang dianggapnya berasal dari pohon-pohon besar serta beberapa gelondongan kayu sepanjang beberapa kaki.

"Kayu-kayu itu tersebar. Sulit untuk tidak menginjaknya," kata Joel Barker, ilmuwan lingkungan dari Ohio State University yang juga pemimpin studi ini.

Kalau digali lebih dalam, menurutnya, akan lebih banyak kayu, daun, dan biji ditemukan. Hutan tersebut bisa awet karena terkubur oleh longsoran dan terisolasi dari udara dan air.

Dengan mempelajari kayu, daun, dan biji, tim peneliti berhasil menemukan beberapa spesies pohon, di antaranya adalah pinus, cemara, dan birch. Menurut Barker, jumlah spesies yang tidak banyak itu menunjukkan bahwa hutan tersebut sedang di ambang kepunahan.

"Hutan ini kira-kira berasal dari sepuluh juta hingga dua juta tahun yang lalu," ujar Barker.

Para peneliti juga mengukur lingkar kayu dan mendapati bahwa pohon di hutan itu setidaknya berumur 75 tahun pada saat terkubur. Cincin pohon yang kecil menunjukkan, pertumbuhan pohon sangat lambat.

Penemuan ini bisa dipakai untuk mengetahui kondisi dunia pada saat iklim Bumi berubah drastis. "Penemuan ini luar biasa.

Kayu berumur jutaan tahun dengan kondisi yang masih sangat bagus akan membuka berbagai kemungkinan," kata Robert Blanchette, ahli patologi University of Minnesota.

Tim berharap menemukan kecepatan perubahan iklim dan efeknya terhadap tumbuhan. Ilmuwan juga ingin mengetahui cara pohon bereaksi terhadap pendinginan sekitar 5 juta tahun yang lalu, saat efek rumah kaca berubah jadi efek rumah es.

Pemanasan global yang terjadi akhir-akhir ini merupakan kebalikan dari kejadian itu.